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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Classes:  IX & X

Activity: Live and Let Live- Poster Making and Paint a T-Shirt

The students enthusiastically participated in the Poster Making and Paint a T- Shirt activity that was a part of the awareness campaign organized for the ISA activity Lest They Disappear…… Save The Sparrows and Butterflies.  Aiming to conserve the feathered beauties, the students creatively and innovatively expressed their ideas to realize their role and responsibilities towards the endangered species. The activity also sensitized them to the cause and the urgent need to save them from disappearing. The aim of the activity was to develop students’ interpersonal and intrapersonal skills by working together in groups. At the same time the activity also enabled them to gain application and synthesis skills, to think out of the box and to inculcate their ideas in the most effective way. The students were proud to wear the T- Shirts for the entire day and be the ambassadors of the winged beauties. The posters were put up on display all over the school to spread the message that everyone needs to be actively involved in the  attempt at bringing the beautiful creations of God back.