‘Emerging leaders need mentors to guide them, but they also need a network of peers to reassure them that they are not on this path alone’.
Classes VI-VIII
The first Model United Nations Conference, SPSMUN was hosted to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals number 6, which aims to: “achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals” and number 7, which aims to achieve ‘affordable reliable, sustainable and clean energy for all’. The MUN provided an opportunity for students to replicate and stimulate the work of the United Nations wherein the student –youth leaders could raise the issue of national and global concern of saving water and electricity on large scale platforms. The conference room was set up to house the President of the General Assembly (PGA), Secretary-General, Chair, Reporter and Conference participants of 15 countries from across the globe. The delegates were welcomed by the school band and the Conference officially started with the introduction of the agenda, followed by the lamp lighting ceremony. The students’ demeanor changed remarkably the moment they opened debate shedding their laid back attitudes in a professional and serious manner. Every delegate gave comprehensive detailing of their country’s position on the topic and at the same time offering possible solutions. They had researched their allotted countries in depth to analyse and understand their foreign policies keeping in mind the factors that would influence the behaviour of the country at an international level. The MUN saw heated debates as the committees picked up momentum, crisis-situations were thrown open and a few resolutions were also reached. Bangladesh and Afghanistan were adjudged as the best delegates. It was an excellent opportunity for the inspired minds to boost their self-confidence, leadership qualities, strengthen collaborative efforts and develop their oratory skills. In the simulated ambience of the international work culture, the students were able to explore the varied belief systems which added to their holistic profile. The academic stimulation also aimed to educate participants about the current scenario concerning international relations, diplomacy and the UN agenda on the grave Hydro and Power situation faced by the countries worldwide voicing their concern as well as brainstorming on solutions. The activity was instituted to educate students about public speaking, debate, diplomacy, problem-solving, persuasive writing, and teamwork