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‘Human life holds meaning only through communication.’

Class: V

Activity: Student’s interaction with Kalika Public School, Nepal

Class V students interacted with their counterparts of Kalika Public School in Nepal. The little ones began by singing the National Anthem, followed by the Nepalese Anthem. The children enthusiastically introduced themselves and shed off their inhibitions. The students excitedly briefed each other about the various board games of the countries of their case study and also exchanged the information related to different yesteryear games played in their respective countries. They not only shared techniques but also their thoughts of reviving the games on a larger scale. The conference proved to be a fruitful platform for students at both the ends. Children learnt about the origin, benefits and the causes for the extinction of the games. This activity helped in their problem-solving, collaborative and communicative skills development along with their coordination, vision and speed skills. This enabled the children to develop leadership qualities, team spirit and a deep sense of responsibility. Connecting globally also helped them visualise the inter-connectedness and sense of belonging. Students also learnt to appreciate different games that were played once upon a time realising that the foregone past could silently be fused into present thereby resulting in a profound synthesis of merriment and tradition.