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‘The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.’

Classes:  IX & X

Activity: Nature is the art of God

Okhla Bird Sanctuary

Students of Class IX were taken on a guided tour by Mr. Rakesh Khatri, Founder of Eco Roots Foundation to Okhla Bird Sanctuary at the Okhla Barrage over Yamuna River. The students toured the kingdom of birds and experienced the peaceful harmony and tranquility of the place. They enjoyed spotting birds with binoculars from the bird tower and were delighted to watch Flamingoes, Common Coot, Birds of Paradise, Parrots, Eurasian Magpie along with vulnerable species Baikal, Baer’s Pochard Sarus crane and the sociable Lapwing. The bank also had a variety of trees like Fycus, Babool, Sheesham,  Keekar and several shrubs and herbs. Mr. Khatri informed the students that due to regular 24x7 traffic on the national highway that passes by, the bio diversity is badly affected. The noise and air pollution has resulted in the depletion of flora and fauna of the sanctuary. He motivated the students to join hands in restoring the pristine beauty of nature by being one with nature, looking at the magic around and taking steps towards being responsible citizens.

Yamuna Biodiversity Park

Students of Class X were taken on an excursion to the Yamuna Biodiversity Park to watch sparrows, birds and butterflies that are now becoming extinct. The resource person Ms. Preeti Vohra, Nature Education Officer informed the students that the park is spread over 457 acres in the upstream of river Yamuna and is divided into two phases. Phase I consists of conservatories of medicinal plants, butterflies and fruit plants besides rangelands, sacred grove and migratory ducks’ wetland. She further informed them that Phase II consists of mosaic of wetlands interspersed with the grasslands and floodplain forests. The Park comprises of  native flora and fauna which used to exist 100 years ago and then became extinct locally and further, acts as a natural conservation site for specific group of endangered plant Just past the entry pocket and to the right is a “Welcome Rock facet” representing the origin of the Ganga and Yamuna and their convergence at Allahabad.

The aim of the excursion was to create awareness about different facets of biodiversity, develop positive attitude towards the environment, propagate eco-friendly attitude amongst various sections of the society, generate awareness on various environmental dimensions, its conservation and sustainable usage of natural resources through action-based programs.