Festive Fiesta
- Power Point Presentation and Documentaries
- Collage Making Activity
- Card Making and Christmas Tree Decoration
- Inter-Dimensional Celebration

Diversity is the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today’.
Classes I and II
Activity: Enlightening Students
Festivals know no boundaries and are celebrated across the globe. The tiny tots were shown the Power Point Presentation prepared by teachers keeping in mind the impact the pictures could create and the message that could be so easily conveyed. The PPT highlighted that festivals know no boundaries and are celebrated across the globe. The tiny tots were also shown documentaries on the significance and ways festivals are celebrated with the primary motive to ensure that the young minds learn to see all religions as ‘one’. Stories are universal and create connections across time, place and cultures and the young minds fresh and unaware of the world around were enthralled at the animated characters in the ‘Ramayana’, ‘Polar Express’ and ‘Eid-Mubarak’. Documentaries are no doubt emotionally powerful vehicles and the little ones were transported to Dubai and USA’s culture and festivity. The main aim of these presentations was to help students develop social and emotional learning in ways not available from textbooks or lectures. Students could experience the world through near real-life people, as well as see and feel what it is like for a person living across the world.
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Collage is making memories not just having fun
Classes I and II
Activity: Hands-On Experience
India is a land of festivals and the festivals of Dubai and USA namely Eid and Christmas are celebrated with equal fervor along with India’s major festival Diwali. A month long celebration of understanding and appreciating the culture of festivals that are celebrated universally, started with collage making. The Collage Making Activity was initiated to sensitize the tiny tots that people all over the world celebrate festivals with religious fervor to promote tolerance and love for all races and creed. The students though unaware of the countries were excited and curious to paste the cutouts of the different dresses worn during the festivities, the related cuisines, dances, specific attire and rituals observed during the festivities on the cutout maps of India, USA and Dubai. The aim of the activity was to gain in-depth knowledge of festivals celebrated in our country and the countries of study to understand their significance.
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Craft is the vehicle for expressing your vision
Classes I and II
Activity: Enhance dexterity and self-expression
The joy and excitement experienced by the tiny tots after watching the PPT and documentaries was utilized in bringing out their creative skills. They enthusiastically made greeting cards for Eid with moons and stars, Diwali cards with diyas and sweets, Christmas cards with Christmas trees and Santa Claus. The human emotions of joy, gratitude, sympathy, love and admiration were lovingly crafted by the tiny hands and were exchanged with equal fervor. Their excitement knew np bounds when they were involved in preparing the puja thali and decorating diyas with stars and glitter. The Christmas tree wad also decorated with sweets, candles and gifts by the young ones.. During the craft lessons, the students learnt perseverance, patience, creativity, innovativeness, problem solving process and to work independently. The aim of the activity was to develop fine motor skills, enhance dexterity and self-expression, improve hand-eye coordination, help in socializing and boost confidence
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Festivals promote Brotherhood of Mankind and Fatherhood of God.
Classes I and II
Activity: Global and cultural awareness
The lively and vibrant celebrations of the festivals of Eid, Diwali, and Christmas exposed the young minds to the essence of festivals and culture. The children came dressed in bright traditional Muslim attires, shared seviyaan the traditional cuisine of Eid-ul- Fitr and spread the message of brotherhood by hugging each other. The students wore traditional dresses to celebrate the ‘festival of lights’, Diwali. The teachers involved the tiny tots in making rangolis and class decoration. The array of lights and diyas added charm to their festive mood. They melodiously sang the Choupai from the Ramayana and presented a skit to honour the return of Rama-chandra, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu to Ayodhya after his 14 years of exile during which he fought and won a battle against the demons and the demon king, Ravana. The tiny tots were apprised that Diwali symbolizes the spiritual ‘victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance’. The little ones performed Puja for Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi and sang the ‘Aarti’ with great devotion in the Diwali Puja arranged for them. The USA festivity of Christmas was celebrated with equal enthusiasm and the little ones decked in red and white western attires and sang carols and hymns to welcome Lord Jesus in the world. The significance of Christmas was highlighted in the skit on the birth of Jesus. They happily exchanged gifts and shared their plum cakes when Santa Claus distributed sweets and gifts. The aim of the activity was to train the students right from childhood to experience various cultures through the celebration of all religious festivals, create global and cultural awareness, develop tolerance, understanding and love for all race and creeds, and respect for communities that pave the way for a harmonious social living and celebrate festivals with zeal.
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